About The Legal Innovation Center
The Legal Innovation Center designs and tests new solutions and business models for legal education and the delivery of legal services.
The Center provides the platform and space to: 1. Experiment with new business models to transform how legal services are delivered both in the USA and globally. 2. Test new business models that will lead the design of future of legal education and the legal profession. The Center does not rely on the past as a reference point to tweak the old business models. It create a wholly new vision and experiments until that vision emerges. It will be the first legal innovation center dedicated to test, launch and incubate start-ups in the legal industry. |
The Process
The Legal Innovation Center generates its own ideas and projects. It is also available to research and test new business models and solutions for legal service providers, company legal departments and start-ups in the legal industry. The Center applies the following process and models to design innovation in the legal industry and create new business models: 1. Design Thinking - design thinking is the ability to combine empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the generation of insights and solutions, and rationality to analyze and fit solutions to the context. 2. Business Model Innovation - refers to the creation, or reinvention, of a business itself. Whereas innovation is more typically seen in the form of a new product or service offering, a business model innovation results in an entirely different type of company with entirely new ways to create, deliver, and capture value. 3. Business Model Generator – the most widely used language and process for describing, visualizing, assessing and changing business models. 4. The Lean Start-Up methodology as taught by Steven Blank at Stanford and Berkeley B-schools, and as originally developed by Eric Ries. Click here to learn more... |
We design and test new models for legal education and the delivery of legal services
Currently accepting host proposals!